Rapids Grainless Start


Introducing ‘Rapids Grainless Start’ – the result of a tactical collaboration between Rapid Reset and The Muesli Hub. Crafted in partnership with Rapids sports nutrition expert and The Muesli Hub’s master muesli creator.

This grain free muesli is the perfect mix of nuts and seeds to bring a nutrient dense serving of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals to your mornings. Perfect for those living a low carb, grain free or Keto based lifestyle, but also a yummy tasting muesli or snack for anyone looking to follow a healthy whole-food lifestyle.

Ingredients: Mixed nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Macadamia Nuts and Pecan Nuts), Coconut, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Honey, Maple syrup, Coconut oil.