Us + Breakfast = Love
Making time for breakfast is a simple (sometimes we laugh at this statement when you have a 3 year old clinging on to your leg), BUT a very significant step towards good health. A nutritious breakfast means a good start to the day! It’s an easy way to improve your daily diet and to make sure that you get the right nutrition at the start of every morning.
It can also help prevent or delay mid-morning snacking which might not be so healthy (think cookies, chocolate, and those sugar filled bars – we too are sometimes guilty of this!) And a happy belly full of the good stuff can improve early morning concentration levels. What’s more, isn’t it simply relaxing and pleasurable to sit down at the breakfast table and enjoy the first meal of the day with a piping hot cuppa?
If your a person who struggles to get their brain working in the morning let-alone your breakfast sussed, set your alarm half an hour early, have your muesli mix ready (crafted by you of course!) make sure the jug is topped up for your morning coffee and MAKE it a priority to use this time to start the day off on the right foot, whether it be meditating, reading a book, or simply cranking your favourite tunes to get a smile on your dial before you rush out the door!
We are HUGE advocates for self love and looking after yourself and it’s a passion of mine to get more men and women becoming aware of how a positive healthy start to the morning can impact the rest of their day, even week! Would LOVE to know how you start your mornings off.. Leave me a comment below! 🙂
Paige @ TMH